Saturday, November 15, 2008

The New-York Historical Society is having a exhibit entitled "Grant & Lee In War and Peace". It sounded right up my alley so Collin and I went to check it out. I would highly recommend this exhibit. It had a lot of really interesting and unique pieces. For example it had some drawing done by General Lee. Did you know that General Lee was a really good sketcher? They also had landscape paintings by Grant. The museum taught me that back then West Point taught drawing not as a nice little elective but as a serious topic so they could draw maps of the battlefields. Collin at this point said, "Man I'm so behind". I thought of those little figures that he draws during church.

Museums are funny with taking pictures you never know if you can or if you can't. One thing is for sure... flashes are never cool in any museum. So don't even try. Other then that... just take pictures until one of the security guards stop you. That's what happened to me on this trip, but not before I got a pictures of these buddies.

What are these you might ask? Oh they're Lees dancing slippers. That's another thing that they were big into... cadet balls.


Side of Jeffrey said...

I guarantee cadet balls will be huge by '09.

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