Friday, March 27, 2009

My previous apartment in NYC I paid the rent with my American Express card. I got a ton of frequent flier miles this way. Now without a job... I had some time to use some of them. Above is a shot of the sun setting over JFK. As I waited for my Air France flight to board.
After hours of flying I can see Paris over the horizon. Friends... I don't know how this happened but in the last year and a half I've been to Europe 4 times. I hope that I can keep the trend going. Turns out... Europe is a lot of fun to visit.
First sign that your not in JFK anymore? Extremely well-designed restrooms.
Oh Parisians.... must your need to smoke be so bad?
You might think that I was going to Paris. I've been there before... time to get on a smaller plane and head to Slovenia. It's part of the former Yugoslavia. (The really pretty part). I like planes with propellers on them. It makes me feel like I'm in an Indiana Jones film.


nicole said...

Jeff! Oh Jeff, you're back. Ah, sweet relief. Sorry about your job man, luckily you're the type that just gets up and goes to Europe. And you know...breaks things.

I've always thought you'd make a great radio host, or talk show host for that matter. Why don't you go ahead and do that?

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