Monday, December 31, 2007

Not since the Christmas of '83 when I got the Ewok Village have I had such a epic Christmas. I felt a bit guilty about it but Mom says that this is the first time for years that she has known what I wanted for Christmas so she went all out.

Best things that happened to me during Christmas:

1: Actually going home for it. First time in 3 years or so
2: Getting to hang out with the nephews (as pictured below)
3: Collecting the goods
4: Going to the temple with my little sister
5: Seeing old friends (as pictured below below)

Top adventures while at home:

1: Being paid 500 dollars to get off the plane in Newark, NJ due to it being "over" weight. Me being a perfect candidate because..I'm a giant fatty ... as in obese I collected big time. Later while waiting for my 500 voucher the ramp agents told me they just want to make sure that they were flying safe. I told them that I would hate to have been responsible for the whole plane going down.
1.5: I hope to be able to turn this adventure into a adventure to Stockholm this spring... We'll see (see below)
2: Being pulled over for drunk driving... turns out I drive like an old man
3: Standing on the sidewalk while the Highway Patrol searches my moms car while answering questions with "Yes sir, that's my mom's Tylenol" and my favorite " No Sir, I don't use drugs recreationaly"
4: Riding my new bike in my mom's unfinished basement cuz it was too snowy to take it outside.
5: Seeing National Treasure Book of Secrets. P.S. this movie was excellent. If you liked the first one you'll like this one. If you didn't like the first one you won't like this one. It's just that simple.


miss lena's pie said...

Stockholm! That's my city and I'm going there very soon. :)

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