Thursday, December 6, 2007

Look who it is! It's Cousin Karen. Cousin Karen is in town for free. She got flown here and she is being put up in a hotel. Here she is eating Pad Thai with me at a restaurant called The Republic. It's an Asian fusion restaurant that is really hard to listen to other people speak in because the acoustics are really bad. But it sure tastes good. I got the same dish as Karen.
This is Karen's friend that came to New York for free as well. Karen's friend ordered the hardest thing in the restaurant to eat. Basically it was beef on a stick with lettuce. We figured that the best thing to do was to make lettuce/beef/carrot/noodle tacos. Looked good.

Now I know what your all wondering? "Jeff how can I go to New York for free like the above people?" Well first you have to be wronged. So wronged that you want to go to court. Second you have to have a story that will appeal to sick, or unemployed, or lazy people. Karen and company had both of those things!

It all started when Karen's friend bought a dog with a 72 hour return policy. Within 24 hours she figured out that she didn't want the dog. So she took it back. But the dog breeder was being shady. So much so... that Karen's friend got advice from a lawyer. What ending up happening is almost comical. Following the lawyers advice our dear cousin Karen ended up on the porch next to her friend with a tape recorder in her bra. Turns out it's legal to record a conversation in Utah if only one party knows about it.

So the guy has been super shady and has not returned her money and now they are going on The People's Court to collect. Shady guy doesn't know that our dear cousin Karen hid a tape recorder in her bra and they have concrete evidence against him. He's walking into a total litigation nightmare!

So that's the secret. If you want to come to NYC for free you need a reason to go to small claims court. It helps if your case has a combination of puppies, bosoms, hidden tape recorders, and Mormons. That's a sure fire way to get justice on national television (during the daytime).


Brigham said...

Finally the tale has been told!

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